Monday, October 4, 2010

H & M: Reverend Shari marries 'em up good with...Something Old, Something New!

H and M were a delightful couple with roots in NYC and deeper roots in Ireland. I recently married them in a Country Club setting in Douglaston, NY. Whoo boy, those two sure love each other. They each had some firm ideas that I honored in crafting the ceremony...
  • Something old: We had a Loving Cup ceremony, where the couple drank mead, poured into an heirloom cup from their own keepsake crystal decanter. At my instruction, they drank to past, present and future love. It was very sweet. (Sweet, get it?) I explained the ancient Northern European tradition of drinking this fermented honey wine for a full month after the wedding--the "honey moon" phase of marriage.
  • Something new: As the groom's niece and brother performed a Beatles song, the rings were passed from hand to hand (in a small bag, for safekeeping!) and each family member who held them could add a blessing or wish with the warmth of their hands. The song was extremely well done and a touching additon.
  • Something delicate: We found ways to honor those who were not present by including certain prayers and readings, without destroying the joy of the day.
  • Something canine: This was the first wedding for me with a Ring Barker! A very well-behaved pooch carried in the faux-rings, decked out in ribbons. Don't they say never work with children and dogs? Rev Shari is always upstaged by these cuties.
All in all, it was a very personal and very beautiful ceremony. Why have something off-the-shelf when I will work with you to make your wedding a custom fit?

Best of luck to H & M and to NG, furriest ring bearer I've seen so far.

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